10-10-10/1 Liter of Tears Special

Top 10 favorite 1 Liter of Tears Quotes

1. Why did the disease choose me? I cannot carry it if it’s just for the word “fate”.

2. Regret. Pitiful. It’s okay if I’m in pain by myself. But I’m also bringing trouble to the people around me.

3. If I were a flower, then now I’d be a bud. I shall treasure the beginning of my youth without any regrets." and I really don’t want to say things such as "I want to go back to how things were before." I recognized how I am right now, and I will continue to live on.

4. Just being alive is such a lovely and wonderful thing.

5. To be able to smile and tell everyone this; I have, at least, cried one liter of tears.

6. For those people who are really listening, they will definitely understand.

7. As I think about the past, the tears will come out. Reality is too cruel, too brutal. I don’t even have the right to dream. As I think about the future, the tears will come out again.

8. I write because writing is evidence that I am still alive

9. Where should I head towards? Even if there isn't an answer, I'll feel better by writing it down. I've looked for a pair of helping hands but I couldn't feel them, couldn't see them. I only face towards darkness and hear the sounds of my hopeless screams.

10. It's okay if you fall. You can just get up again. Why don't you look up at the sky, while you're down there? The blue sky spreads across above you. Can you see it smiling at you? You are alive.


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