The Passive-Agressive

things I would want to say to some people:

"I am sorry for lying to cover up another sin."

"I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Please forget everything that I've said and just do what you love. Don't save my feelings. Please be happy."

"You are still too young to surrender your wholeself to a man who you are not even certain you'll end up tying the knot with."

"I am not your reserve. I want to be a part of your life, to be your sister and friend. Remember that I am always here for you. So if you really don't need me and if you don't want me sticking around, just tell me. And if it'll give you joy, I'll go away."

"You need to grow up!"

"You're not the star in everyone's life dude!"

"I don't need you to tell me things I already know. Don't say things just because it's the "right" thing to say. Tell me things that would actually fit! And if you have none, just shut up."

"I never said I needed your friendship."

"Don't tell me that there's something wrong with me! Because you're the reason why I'm never going to be fine."

"If you really wanna know what's wrong, just look at the mirror."

"I'm sorry for not being a good witness. For not being strong when you were also struggling. I know all of us go to crappy seasons, and I just wished that I'd pretended to be firm."

"I know you love me. You just don't love me that much like you love them."

"Save your drama and your fake empathies for your next loser of a friend."

"Before you even say anything bad about me, why don't you put on your beauty mask first. You might look a lil better."

"I want you out of my life, out of my heart, out of my mind. But then I know that there would be something missing."

"If you're just going to give me sermons, just get out of my face."

"I don't need you to be my mother, I have one already. I want you to be my friend."

"I want you to speak when I'm listening. And I need you to listen when I want to speak."

"This is not a contest! Will you stop trying to prove yourself to everyone that you're great."

"You are sickening."

"How can I ever forgive you if you haven't asked for forgiveness. SO I'm sorry for moving on but never forgetting."


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